self employed small business income protection for people taking PrEP self employed small business income protection for people taking PrEP self employed small business income protection for people taking PrEP self employed small business income protection for people taking PrEP self employed small business income protection for people taking PrEP income protection for people taking PrEP life-insurance small business income protection crisis insurance services total and permanent disability Most Common FAQ faq about hiv faq about PrEP faq about diabetes services

  • Accident Only Insurances

    The Plan B for when you're not eligible for Plan A — the next best thing to reduce your risks

    Accidents change everything.

    They can suddenly wipe out your ability to earn an income, endanger your family's stability and alter your confidence for the future.

    It's not uncommon for accidents to become the start of unexpected financial stress that can change your way of life. They can push you into more debt to pay for unexpected medical procedures, drain your cashflow, and can even force you to sell off investments or assets to cover debts, at the worst possible time.

    The last thing on anybody's mind should be money and returning to work.

    What to do when you don't qualify for comprehensive insurance cover?

    For many people, a surprise major medical bill or the sudden loss of their income is understandably overwhelming.

    Living with a complex health diagnosis or holding down a high-risk occupation and not qualifying for traditional insurance cover is all about living with uncertainty - and we'd love to help you better manage that.

    Get professional advice (and we'd love to help you out with that)

    These types of specialist policies are designed to help people who, for a variety of reasons may not be eligible to qualify for comprehensive insurance cover, but who still have financial needs to protect and families to keep safe. These policies are not suitable for a DIY approach so be sure to get professional financial advice about your situation.

    No one's immune from life-changing accidents that can remove their earning capacity and destabilize the financial security of their family.

    Why use Accident Only Insurances?

    Accident Only Insurances are the next level of personal insurance policy designed to protect against the financial impact of an unexpected accident - whether that involves a Long term Disability, Loss of Income, or even an unexpected Death, as defined in the policy.

    • Accident Only Insurance cover as the name suggests pays a benefit in the event of an accident occurring and you needing to claim.
    • Accident Only Insurance cover can be a helpful part of your protection strategy when you simply don't yet qualify for comprehensive insurance coverage but still need some level of cover to reduce your risks.

    What types of Accident Only insurances are available?

    The three main types of accident only covers available are:

    • Accident Total & Permanent Disability (ATPD) - pays a lump sum benefit if you are totally and permanently disabled as a result of an accident. There are different types of cover from any occupation or the higher grade own occupation category of claim, and even special definitions to help protect your non-working partner too.
    • Accident Income Protection (AIP) - pays up to 75% of your income per month (and can reimburse your employer’s super contributions too) if you’re working and totally or partially disabled as a result of an accident.
    • Accidental Death (AD) - pay a lump sum of money if you died from an unexpected and unintentional accident.

    Pro Tip: Only a small number of insurers offer this type of specialist cover. Like all specialist insurance cover, this is not suitable for a DIY approach or a simplified online comparison service. Get professional advice from the risk insurance specialists at Unusual Risks Insured.

    When you may need an Accident Only Insurance option

    There are times when you may not be eligible for a comprehensive life insurance policy, but you still need protection.

    This could be for:

    • Temporary reasons - while you recover from an existing injury or complete planned surgery or therapies, or
    • Ongoing reasons - due to a previous or permanent health issue or even your type of occupation.

    There are different grades of Accident Only Insurance cover, all with varying levels of medical assessment and they can become a practical alternative if your current health or occupation makes getting comprehensive cover unavailable.

    Who this is especially relevant for?

    Many people for very different reasons simply do not qualify (or don't yet qualify) for a comprehensive insurance policy to protect themselves or their families, but still need an insurance alternative.

    This is especially relevant for people living with:

    • a complex medical history - like leukemia
    • a very recent medical procedure where the long-term outcomes are not yet known - like very recent gastric banding, very recent mental health support, and organ transplant recipients
    • difficult to manage medical conditions - where the risk of ongoing management makes them commercially uninsurable - like Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome where a person can have so many moles on their skin, that the risk of missing one during a routine examination for melanoma is overly high
    • family genetic conditions where the statically increased risks make them not commercially viable for comprehensive insurance cover
    • high-risk occupations - like Crane Drivers, Tree Loppers, High Voltage Linesmen and frontline Emergency Services Workers
    • self employed occupations with very long hours who don't qualify for comprehensive insurance cover or
    • who want to minimise their out of pocket expenses in the event of a workplace accident occurring

    Whatever the reason, an Accident Only Insurance policy can be the next best thing (when you don’t qualify for the best thing) and you can still protect yourself from the financial effects of accidental death, disability or loss of income an accident can create.

    Case Study

    Meet Ramesh.He's positive, energetic and living with a genetic kidney disease. An experienced software coder, he relies upon his ability to type code and to use design software tools.

    As a teenager, Ramesh found out he had inherited Polycystic Kidney Disease and later he received a successful kidney transplant from a sibling.

    As part of his healthy (and some would say overactive) lifestyle he's now become a keen cyclist later in life. He's part of a social bike club that does long rides on weekends and he finds it helps him clear his head and unplug from his online work life.

    • Ramesh was unable to qualify for comprehensive Income Protection or Disability Insurance cover due to his Polycystic Kidney Disease.
    • So he decided to take out the next best option of Accident Only Income Protection and Accident Only Total & Permanent Disability Insurance.
    • His Accident Only Income Protection cover can pay up to 70% of his income (and 100% of his employer's Super contribution) on a claim while he recovers.

    During a recent club group ride, a car failed to stop at a red light and collided with three of the lead bikes, knocking Ramesh off his bike into the gravel on the roadside, breaking both his wrists and three fingers.

    There is a lot of rehabilitation ahead and doctors are not sure if he'll recover full use of his wrists and hands. It's early days in recovery yet, and Ramesh is undergoing extensive hand and wrist rehabilitation.

    Lots of questions about his future race through his mind daily - but financial security is not one of them.

    His Accident Only Income Protection now pays him a monthly income which means he can still pay the mortgage and meet family living expenses.

    If he does face the possibility of a long-term disability, Ramesh's Accident Only Total & Permanent Disability cover will pay him $2,000,000 in a lump sum if doesn't recover the full use of his wrists and hands and he has to adjust to living with a permanent disability unable to return to work in his current job.

    Questions people ask about...

    TaFrequently asked questions about Accident Only protection insurance.

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  • All Services

    happy friends at high-tea talking about Unusual Risks Insured

    We specialise in helping people with well‑managed HIV or Diabetes (and other complex health conditions) get their life insurances and income protection sorted.

    Life Insurance means financial protection to those you love, at a time when they shouldn’t have to think about money.

    Income Protection means you safeguard your able to continue to earn a living, and keep your lifestyle until your recover.

    And we help their family members get all their life insurances sorted too, so nobody misses out

    • We also help medical professionals and emergency service workers protect themselves from the financial effects of contaminated sharps injuries, and
    • We provide Australia wide financial advice and insurances for Surrogates so intended parents can provide the highest quality personal insurances to help protect and support the surrogate parent providing surrogacy services.

    These days HIV or Diabetes doesn't have to be a life sentence

    But most insurance companies still treat you like it is.

    People with pre-existing well‑managed health conditions have, up till now, been prevented from accessing quality Life Insurance and Life Insurance products like Income Protection, simply because of their conditions.

    We believe everyone deserves a fair go and equal access to financial advice Drew Browne Founder Unusual Risks Insured

    How would you answer these 5 quick questions?

    1. Are you or someone you love living with HIV or diabetes?
    2. Do you need to learn more about blood-borne disease protection?
    3. Want to learn how to protect your partner, family and even your business from the unexpected?
    4. Are you just looking for help to get your life insurance sorted?
    5. Not sure if it’s even possible?

    Here's the great news!

    You'll be pleased to know that now there's an Australian company that can offer life insurance services to those who really need it - and you found us.

    On our site, you'll be able to:

    So what are the different types of Life insurance products available to you here?

    Life Insurances is a name that covers a range of personal insurances designed to protect people from the known statistical risks of life.

    These include:

    For business owners and key people in business, we have additional personal insurances designed to protect business people from the known statistical risks of business life too.

    These include:

    Investing in the health and well-being of another is an act of service, greater than ourselves and in many ways it's what makes us human - Drew Browne

    For us, this is not just about getting a Life Insurance policy, this is an equality and human rights issue

    We believe that every Australian should have equal access to high-quality Life Insurance products, no matter what their sexuality, gender, race, age or beliefs. We believe this is not just about getting Life Insurance, this is a human rights issue.

    For our clients, it's about protecting and providing for those they love and simply getting on with living a full and adventurous life.

    Life Insurance can help you be certain your loved ones are provided for, children's educational needs are taken care of, and that your family of choice won't have to worry about their future if you’re not there to continue to protect and provide for them.

    A sad but all too common experience

    Often, when a couple set up life insurance to protect each other, one person has their application accepted, but the other is refused because of a pre-existing health condition. Both are left feeling that a wedge has been driven between them and that their needs and choices were not understood, honoured or valued. At our mission is to change this.

    Life insurance offers financial protection to those you love at a time when they shouldn’t have to think about money

    An insurance payout can help your loved ones:

    • Stay in the family home by either paying out the mortgage or providing enough funds to allow then to remain in the community where they're most comfortable
    • Maintain the same standard of living by providing funds to be invested and used over time
    • Provide for future planned expenses for loved ones or maybe leaving a legacy that makes your difference in the world
    • If you're in business life insurance can help protect your revenue, secure bank loans and make shareholders and Key people to the business feel more secure too.
    • If you're sorting out your estate planning, life insurance can help equalise the value of an estate so that heirs are treated equally, just in case.

    When does life insurance payout?

    Life insurance will normally payout upon the death of the life insured or diagnoses of a terminal, illness in the last 24 months.

    • It can help their dependents cope financially if you unexpectedly pass away, and
    • It can help you in practical financial ways if you suffer a terminal illness

    Many people don't know that high-quality life insurance also pays out upon the diagnosis of a terminal illness in the remaining 24 months, making it a strong part of a backup plan.

    Most people don't know 30% of life insurance claims are made for terminal illness

    For Health Professionals and Emergency Services Workers, contaminated sharps injury protection offers financial stability to you at a time when you need to focus on your ongoing health

    An insurance payout can help you:

    • Pay you an immediate cash amount to use in any way to need
    • It can help pay out debts and remove financial stressors from your life
    • It can provide a financial cushion to your loved ones or yourself and help provide time for you to consider your next step
    • It can fund a change in your professional career, protect business shareholders and provide you with space to take time to consider what your next step needs to be

    So if you're living with HIV, managing diabetes or protecting yourself from these types of conditions (like using PrEP), we can help you with complete privacy, discretion and great advice.

    Enjoy your time here on our site, and feel free to get in touch and say G'day.

    And if you have sensitive questions or just prefer to chat with a person first, strike up an email conversation here or give us a call direct and ask to speak with Drew.

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  • Are there possible embarrassing or invasive questions during an application?

    What about possible general embarrassing or invasive questions during an application?

    A life insurance application will always have a section about sensitive medical information and lifestyle questions. We have read every application questionnaire and know what's required and what's going to be asked.

    • We have a no BS* no surprises policy so we understand the effect of your answering ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to every question in an insurance application.
    • When you allow us to work with you, we focus on the end result and help you get there quickly and effectively, with dignity intact.

    For people concerned with triggering past traumas, we're a Trauma-Informed-Organisation (TIO) and have designed all our systems and interactions to minimise the risk of re-traumatising anyone working with us.

  • Be careful what you Google when looking for advice on life insurance

    twin heavy set brothers with tattoos smiling

    Be careful what you Google for, when searching for simple answers to complex questions like; Can people with HIV or other complex health conditions can still qualify for life insurance?

    Google Search is part of our modern-day lives.

    Who hasn’t made a quick Search for the bio of an actor, the secret to a killer Bearnaise sauce or asked, ‘Is there a sequel to Game of Thrones?’

    Search is also a growing part of our personal health management. People's tendencies for a late-night search session with Dr Google self-diagnosing potential medical conditions —by searching for symptoms —are known to trigger many an anxious night of misinformation and questionable comparisons.

    The reality is many of our late-night search results usually add to our anxiety and uncertainty.

    The new skill of knowing ‘when to consult a professional’ is becoming the new 21th Century survival skill to learn.

  • Can a keyperson to a business get specialty life insurance?


    A business runs on its human capital and its most important people are its key employees and the business owners.

    A business key-person could be anyone whose absence would affect the profitability of the business; eg: if they were to die or become disabled and unable to continue to work.

    Some typical examples of key people could be:

    • Director, Managing Director or CEO
    • Partner in a partnership
    • An employee with a particular skill or technical expertise
    • Senior sales manager

    Insurance to cover the absence of a key person can help in keeping the business running (by replacing lost revenue, repaying debts and/or finding a replacement).

    All of these people can qualify for personal insurances even if they may have a particular health condition that would make the outcome of a traditional insurance application more uncertain.

  • Can an Australian expat living overseas with HIV get life insurance with you?

    Can an Australian expat living overseas with well managed HIV get life insurance with you?

    Sometimes Yes. Expatriate Australians (Expats), living outside Australia but who have an intention to return in the future, can use our online services to pre-assess for life insurance covers and if successful get high-quality life insurance established for themselves, even when they are living overseas. This is helpful for travelers, professionals on assignment and people consulting overseas as part of their normal working lives. Eligibility can change from time to time so check with us first for the current underwriting rules.

  • Can I complete my life insurance application without a face to face conversation?

    Can I complete my life insurance application without a face to face conversation?

    Yes. The professionals behind Unusual Risks Insured are Sapience Financial and they can complete your application without the need for a face to face meeting, if that's is what you require. You can find their website here and you can learn about what they became a Trauma Informed Organisation specialising in Financial Advice here.

  • Can I complete my personal health questions for my application privately online?

    Can I complete my personal health questions for my application privately online?

    Yes, when you use our services. We can complete the standard identification questions with you and then send you a web link so that you can complete your Personal Medical Statement, privately online if that's convenient. We can SMS you a password so that your information remains secure. Remember you can also use the services of a Tele Underwriter to complete the personal health questions at a time more convenient too.

  • Can I get Critical Illness insurance if I have been diagnosed with Diabetes?

    Can I get Critical Illness insurance if I have been diagnosed with Diabetes?

    Usually Yes. This may depend upon the degree to which you're able to manage your condition and your recent HbA1c score.

    For a critical illness application, you may have a policy exclusion imposed on a policy that relates to Diabetes, but you may be able to cover the full range of other issues that a policy can provide for

  • Can I get full Financial Advice from

    Sure thing.

    You can choose the way you want to interact with us and the level of service or advice that you may or may not want to get.

    It's about You, after all.

    Broadly speaking, there are 3 levels of advice that we usually work with. (Many people like to have a general chat first to see where they want to go with the advice step).

    • Full financial advice – where you want us to look at your bigger picture and your plans for the future.
    • Limited financial advice – where you only want us to consider a specific area for you eg: Life insurance or Income Protection and not much else. 
    • No financial advice – where you know what you want ahead of time and just want us to help you get a particular policy in place
  • Can I get TPD insurance if I am HIV positive?

    Can I get TPD insurance if I am HIV positive?

    Yes, a lot of the time you can. We are in talks with some insurers about TPD (Total and Permanent Disability cover) and we're had success getting most clients full TPD cover.  You should be aware that high-quality life insurance also pays out upon a terminal illness diagnosis, so that may be of assistance if you have mortgage arrangements that require some form of TPD cover.

  • Can I qualify for Life Insurance as a diabetic?

    Can I qualify for Life Insurance as a diabetic?

    Yes, if you have your diabetes under control and don’t have additional multiple risk factors like coronary artery disease, smoking, obesity, uncontrolled high blood pressure, etc., then there's a good possibility you'll qualify for life insurance cover.

  • Can I take out a critical Illness insurance if I have been diagnosed with HIV?

    Can I take out a Critical Illness insurance (aka Trauma insurance) if I have been diagnosed with HIV?

    For most people, Yes.

    Critical Illness is also referred to as Crisis Recovery or Trauma insurance.

  • Can I take out a TPD policy if I have been diagnosed with HIV?

    Can I take out TPD (total and permanent disability) insurance if I have been diagnosed with HIV?

    For most people, Yes. 

    As this is a complex area of specialty, please take our Pre-assessment and then call for a call.

  • Can I take out disability income protection insurance if I have been diagnosed with HIV?

    Can I take out Disability Income Protection insurance if I have been diagnosed with well managed HIV?

    Yes, you can.

    • Disability Income Protection is usually another name for Sickness and Accident Income Protection or even just income Protection - (the changes in names drives us crazy too). Regardless of the product name they use, all are designed to pay up to 70% of a person’s income if through sickness or injury they are unable to work.

    Contact us today for more information on this specialist window of opportunity.

  • Can I take out full sickness and accident income insurance if I have been diagnosed with HIV?

    Can I take out full Sickness & Accident Income Protection insurance if I have been diagnosed with well managed HIV?

    Yes, you can.

    • Income Protection insurance can pay up to 75% of a person’s income if through sickness or injury, they are unable to work.

    Contact us today for more information on this specialist window of opportunity.

  • Can I take out Life Insurance if I have been diagnosed with HIV and I have some unrelated medical issues?

    Can I take out a Life Insurance if I have been diagnosed with HIV and I have some unrelated medical issues?


    • We can work with people who have different levels of well managed HIV, diabetes or other health conditions.

    Matching the right products to your personal situation - that’s our specialty.

  • Can I transfer my existing life insurance policy to you to manage ongoing for me?

    Can I transfer my existing life insurance policy to you to manage ongoing for me?

    Yes. It makes good sense to have all your important policies safely in the hands of trusted and understanding people.

    Our Transfer & Manage Service is another speciality service available to our clients where you can have all your personal insurances with a single trusted professional who appreciates the importance of your situation and understands what you want.

    Just send us an email or give us a call for a confidential chat and ask us how we do that.

  • Can someone living with HIV in Australia get life insurance?

    Can someone living with HIV in Australia get life insurance?

    Yes. It's now possible for Australians living with well managed HIV to get high-quality life insurances.

    With over 20+ years of experience in specialty risk advice, we have seen a lot of changes and have worked hard to educate insurance underwriters about the need in the community and the developments in medications and management.

    • People living with HIV (PLWHIV) can now qualify for full life insurance, income protection cover and even Crisis Recovery insurance cover, if you know where to look and who to work with.

    We can help you with that.

  • Can you help me apply for Life Insurance if I have a diabetes diagnosis?

    Can you help me apply for Life Insurance if I have a diabetes diagnosis?

    Yes. That's one of our specialties.

    The first step would be taking our anonymous online pre-assessment to see if your situation is one we can work with.

    Diabetes is complicated so most of our clients have to provide some additional health information in a secondary questionnaire as well.

About Us

Unusual Risks Insured provides support to those people who big insurance companies leave behind. We believe in giving every person the power to use life insurance products to protect & provide for their loved ones, their businesses, and their legacy — free from barriers of stigma and discrimination.

We know, as an LGBTQIA+ person (or someone who goes without labels entirely), you probably have specific financial advice, life insurance, and privacy needs.

  • We're committed to serving the LGBTQIA+ Community and its Allies.
  • For us, it's about change leadership and #AdviceEquality.

Why not make us part of your story, so if the unexpected happens to you or whoever is family to you, you'll have a backup plan in place to help you financially recover and life can still get better for somebody you love.

#LoveTakesAction  #AdviceEquality  #PrideInAdvice

contact drew browne advisor Unusual Risks Insured and Sapience Financial

Drew Browne, Senior Advisor

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from George St Sydney, NSW, Australia.
[ Gadigal Land ] & [ Darug Country ]

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