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Accident Only Insurances
The Plan B for when you're not eligible for Plan A — the next best thing to reduce your risks
Accidents change everything.
They can suddenly wipe out your ability to earn an income, endanger your family's stability and alter your confidence for the future.
It's not uncommon for accidents to become the start of unexpected financial stress that can change your way of life. They can push you into more debt to pay for unexpected medical procedures, drain your cashflow, and can even force you to sell off investments or assets to cover debts, at the worst possible time.
The last thing on anybody's mind should be money and returning to work.
What to do when you don't qualify for comprehensive insurance cover?
For many people, a surprise major medical bill or the sudden loss of their income is understandably overwhelming.
- Most people simply protect themselves and their families with comprehensive Income Protection and Disability Insurances.
- But if you don't qualify for this type of comprehensive insurance cover, the next best option may be Accident Only Insurances.
Living with a complex health diagnosis or holding down a high-risk occupation and not qualifying for traditional insurance cover is all about living with uncertainty - and we'd love to help you better manage that.
Get professional advice (and we'd love to help you out with that)
These types of specialist policies are designed to help people who, for a variety of reasons may not be eligible to qualify for comprehensive insurance cover, but who still have financial needs to protect and families to keep safe. These policies are not suitable for a DIY approach so be sure to get professional financial advice about your situation.
No one's immune from life-changing accidents that can remove their earning capacity and destabilize the financial security of their family.
Why use Accident Only Insurances?
Accident Only Insurances are the next level of personal insurance policy designed to protect against the financial impact of an unexpected accident - whether that involves a Long term Disability, Loss of Income, or even an unexpected Death, as defined in the policy.
- Accident Only Insurance cover as the name suggests pays a benefit in the event of an accident occurring and you needing to claim.
- Accident Only Insurance cover can be a helpful part of your protection strategy when you simply don't yet qualify for comprehensive insurance coverage but still need some level of cover to reduce your risks.
What types of Accident Only insurances are available?
The three main types of accident only covers available are:
- Accident Total & Permanent Disability (ATPD) - pays a lump sum benefit if you are totally and permanently disabled as a result of an accident. There are different types of cover from any occupation or the higher grade own occupation category of claim, and even special definitions to help protect your non-working partner too.
- Accident Income Protection (AIP) - pays up to 75% of your income per month (and can reimburse your employer’s super contributions too) if you’re working and totally or partially disabled as a result of an accident.
- Accidental Death (AD) - pay a lump sum of money if you died from an unexpected and unintentional accident.
Pro Tip: Only a small number of insurers offer this type of specialist cover. Like all specialist insurance cover, this is not suitable for a DIY approach or a simplified online comparison service. Get professional advice from the risk insurance specialists at Unusual Risks Insured.
When you may need an Accident Only Insurance option
There are times when you may not be eligible for a comprehensive life insurance policy, but you still need protection.
This could be for:
- Temporary reasons - while you recover from an existing injury or complete planned surgery or therapies, or
- Ongoing reasons - due to a previous or permanent health issue or even your type of occupation.
There are different grades of Accident Only Insurance cover, all with varying levels of medical assessment and they can become a practical alternative if your current health or occupation makes getting comprehensive cover unavailable.
Who this is especially relevant for?
Many people for very different reasons simply do not qualify (or don't yet qualify) for a comprehensive insurance policy to protect themselves or their families, but still need an insurance alternative.
This is especially relevant for people living with:
- a complex medical history - like leukemia
- a very recent medical procedure where the long-term outcomes are not yet known - like very recent gastric banding, very recent mental health support, and organ transplant recipients
- difficult to manage medical conditions - where the risk of ongoing management makes them commercially uninsurable - like Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome where a person can have so many moles on their skin, that the risk of missing one during a routine examination for melanoma is overly high
- family genetic conditions where the statically increased risks make them not commercially viable for comprehensive insurance cover
- high-risk occupations - like Crane Drivers, Tree Loppers, High Voltage Linesmen and frontline Emergency Services Workers
- self employed occupations with very long hours who don't qualify for comprehensive insurance cover or
- who want to minimise their out of pocket expenses in the event of a workplace accident occurring
Whatever the reason, an Accident Only Insurance policy can be the next best thing (when you don’t qualify for the best thing) and you can still protect yourself from the financial effects of accidental death, disability or loss of income an accident can create.
Case Study
Meet Ramesh.He's positive, energetic and living with a genetic kidney disease. An experienced software coder, he relies upon his ability to type code and to use design software tools.
As a teenager, Ramesh found out he had inherited Polycystic Kidney Disease and later he received a successful kidney transplant from a sibling.
As part of his healthy (and some would say overactive) lifestyle he's now become a keen cyclist later in life. He's part of a social bike club that does long rides on weekends and he finds it helps him clear his head and unplug from his online work life.
- Ramesh was unable to qualify for comprehensive Income Protection or Disability Insurance cover due to his Polycystic Kidney Disease.
- So he decided to take out the next best option of Accident Only Income Protection and Accident Only Total & Permanent Disability Insurance.
- His Accident Only Income Protection cover can pay up to 70% of his income (and 100% of his employer's Super contribution) on a claim while he recovers.
During a recent club group ride, a car failed to stop at a red light and collided with three of the lead bikes, knocking Ramesh off his bike into the gravel on the roadside, breaking both his wrists and three fingers.
There is a lot of rehabilitation ahead and doctors are not sure if he'll recover full use of his wrists and hands. It's early days in recovery yet, and Ramesh is undergoing extensive hand and wrist rehabilitation.
Lots of questions about his future race through his mind daily - but financial security is not one of them.
His Accident Only Income Protection now pays him a monthly income which means he can still pay the mortgage and meet family living expenses.
If he does face the possibility of a long-term disability, Ramesh's Accident Only Total & Permanent Disability cover will pay him $2,000,000 in a lump sum if doesn't recover the full use of his wrists and hands and he has to adjust to living with a permanent disability unable to return to work in his current job.
Questions people ask about...
TaFrequently asked questions about Accident Only protection insurance.
Why do people use Accident Only Insurance cover?
Simply put, insurance to protect you from the unexpected.
Accident Only Insurance policies can form part of a strategy when you don't qualify for comprehensive insurance cover and you still need some level of cover to reduce your financial risks. Accident Only insurance cover as the name suggests pays a benefit in the event of an accident occurring, as defined in the policy.
How does this type of insurance help you?
Accident Only insurance is different to the comprehensive cover that also protects against death, disability and illness due to medical conditions such as cancer, heart disease and stroke.
If you don't qualify for comprehensive insurance cover, an accident only policy may be the next best thing.
What types of injuries might be covered under an Accident Only Income Protection insurance?
Injuries resulting directly from accidents that stop you from being able to continue to earn an income could include; fractures, dislocations, concussions, lacerations, eye injuries, torn knee cartilage, ruptured discs, and severe burns. Accident means 'accident' and is caused by an unexpected, external, and physical force.
Are Accident Only insurance policies fully medically assessed?
No. Most Accident Only Insurance policies are limited in their medical assessment and use a set of application questions more limited in scope than a comprehensive insurance questionnaire.
Do I have to be gainfully employed to qualify for Accident Only Income Protection?
Yes. Allow for a minimum of at least 10 hours a week for entry level cover and a minimum number of 20 hours a week of work for professionals (and 30 hours for manual labour jobs) of gainful employment to be eligible to apply for standard cover.
What might not be covered by an Accident Only insurance policy?
Each insurance provider has its own assessment criteria but there are some common injuries that may not be covered by Accident Only insurance:
Expect an exclusion for an injury happening as a result of an existing sickness or disease, deliberately reckless or dangerous activities and injuries that occur while driving under the influence of certain drugs or alcohol and excludes any mental health symptoms or disorders arising directly or indirectly from the accidental bodily injury.
Can I have the premiums paid from my super fund?
Yes. Depending upon your situation Accident Only Insurance premiums can be paid monthly or half-yearly and yearly may be tax-deductible and paid direct from a superannuation fund. Depending upon your strategy, premiums could be paid from both your super fund and personal funds - often referred to as a Super-Linked policy.
Is Accident Only insurance more expensive than its comprehensive insurance counterparts?
No. Accident Only insurances are usually a lower cost alternative designed specifically for those who are ineligible for comprehensive insurance cover.
Can I upgrade the policy to full cover as I need later?
You can always apply to upgrade an existing policy to a higher level of cover when your personal situation changes or when you might become eligible for comprehensive cover.
Do I have to update the insurance company about future changes in my health or occupation?
No. Once an Accident Only Total & Permanent Disability policy or Accident Only Income Protection policy is in force, any future changes in your health (or even your occupation type), will not affect your cover while the policy remains paid up and in force.
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All Services
We specialise in helping people with well‑managed HIV or Diabetes (and other complex health conditions) get their life insurances and income protection sorted.
Life Insurance means financial protection to those you love, at a time when they shouldn’t have to think about money.
Income Protection means you safeguard your able to continue to earn a living, and keep your lifestyle until your recover.
And we help their family members get all their life insurances sorted too, so nobody misses out
- We also help medical professionals and emergency service workers protect themselves from the financial effects of contaminated sharps injuries, and
- We provide Australia wide financial advice and insurances for Surrogates so intended parents can provide the highest quality personal insurances to help protect and support the surrogate parent providing surrogacy services.
These days HIV or Diabetes doesn't have to be a life sentence
But most insurance companies still treat you like it is.
People with pre-existing well‑managed health conditions have, up till now, been prevented from accessing quality Life Insurance and Life Insurance products like Income Protection, simply because of their conditions.
We believe everyone deserves a fair go and equal access to financial advice Drew Browne Founder Unusual Risks Insured
How would you answer these 5 quick questions?
- Are you or someone you love living with HIV or diabetes?
- Do you need to learn more about blood-borne disease protection?
- Want to learn how to protect your partner, family and even your business from the unexpected?
- Are you just looking for help to get your life insurance sorted?
- Not sure if it’s even possible?
Here's the great news!
You'll be pleased to know that now there's an Australian company that can offer life insurance services to those who really need it - and you found us.
On our site, you'll be able to:
- learn why many LGBTQIA+ people and our Allies choose to use our services
- learn everything you need to know about how to get your life insurance sorted if you have well-managed HIV or diabetes or using PrEP to manage your health.
- learn how to protect yourself from the effect of a contaminated sharps injury if you're a medical professional
- take our anonymous pre-assessment to find out if we can work with your situation
So what are the different types of Life insurance products available to you here?
Life Insurances is a name that covers a range of personal insurances designed to protect people from the known statistical risks of life.
These include:
- Death and Terminal Illness cover
- Total and Permanent Disability cover
- Crisis Recovery insurance for serious medical conditions
- Income Protection cover for sickness and illness stopping you from earning your income
For business owners and key people in business, we have additional personal insurances designed to protect business people from the known statistical risks of business life too.
These include:
- Business Key Person and Key Debt protection
- Business Fixed Expensesprotection
- Business Owners and Professional Partnerships protection
- Business Owner and Partnership ownership transfer protection.
Investing in the health and well-being of another is an act of service, greater than ourselves and in many ways it's what makes us human - Drew Browne
For us, this is not just about getting a Life Insurance policy, this is an equality and human rights issue
We believe that every Australian should have equal access to high-quality Life Insurance products, no matter what their sexuality, gender, race, age or beliefs. We believe this is not just about getting Life Insurance, this is a human rights issue.
For our clients, it's about protecting and providing for those they love and simply getting on with living a full and adventurous life.
Life Insurance can help you be certain your loved ones are provided for, children's educational needs are taken care of, and that your family of choice won't have to worry about their future if you’re not there to continue to protect and provide for them.
A sad but all too common experience
Often, when a couple set up life insurance to protect each other, one person has their application accepted, but the other is refused because of a pre-existing health condition. Both are left feeling that a wedge has been driven between them and that their needs and choices were not understood, honoured or valued. At our mission is to change this.
Life insurance offers financial protection to those you love at a time when they shouldn’t have to think about money
An insurance payout can help your loved ones:
- Stay in the family home by either paying out the mortgage or providing enough funds to allow then to remain in the community where they're most comfortable
- Maintain the same standard of living by providing funds to be invested and used over time
- Provide for future planned expenses for loved ones or maybe leaving a legacy that makes your difference in the world
- If you're in business life insurance can help protect your revenue, secure bank loans and make shareholders and Key people to the business feel more secure too.
- If you're sorting out your estate planning, life insurance can help equalise the value of an estate so that heirs are treated equally, just in case.
When does life insurance payout?
Life insurance will normally payout upon the death of the life insured or diagnoses of a terminal, illness in the last 24 months.
- It can help their dependents cope financially if you unexpectedly pass away, and
- It can help you in practical financial ways if you suffer a terminal illness
Many people don't know that high-quality life insurance also pays out upon the diagnosis of a terminal illness in the remaining 24 months, making it a strong part of a backup plan.
Most people don't know 30% of life insurance claims are made for terminal illness
For Health Professionals and Emergency Services Workers, contaminated sharps injury protection offers financial stability to you at a time when you need to focus on your ongoing health
An insurance payout can help you:
- Pay you an immediate cash amount to use in any way to need
- It can help pay out debts and remove financial stressors from your life
- It can provide a financial cushion to your loved ones or yourself and help provide time for you to consider your next step
- It can fund a change in your professional career, protect business shareholders and provide you with space to take time to consider what your next step needs to be
So if you're living with HIV, managing diabetes or protecting yourself from these types of conditions (like using PrEP), we can help you with complete privacy, discretion and great advice.
Enjoy your time here on our site, and feel free to get in touch and say G'day.
And if you have sensitive questions or just prefer to chat with a person first, strike up an email conversation here or give us a call direct and ask to speak with Drew.
Where to Now?
Continue your journey…
- Make sure you Browse through our Blog
- Have questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions
- Discover someone with a similar situation in our list of Case Studies
- When you're ready to know if we can work with you, take our Anonymous Pre-assessment
- Send us an Email or Jump the queue and Call for a Chat
Be careful what you Google when looking for advice on life insurance
Be careful what you Google for, when searching for simple answers to complex questions like; Can people with HIV or other complex health conditions can still qualify for life insurance?
Google Search is part of our modern-day lives.
Who hasn’t made a quick Search for the bio of an actor, the secret to a killer Bearnaise sauce or asked, ‘Is there a sequel to Game of Thrones?’
Search is also a growing part of our personal health management. People's tendencies for a late-night search session with Dr Google self-diagnosing potential medical conditions —by searching for symptoms —are known to trigger many an anxious night of misinformation and questionable comparisons.
The reality is many of our late-night search results usually add to our anxiety and uncertainty.
The new skill of knowing ‘when to consult a professional’ is becoming the new 21th Century survival skill to learn.
Can a keyperson to a business get specialty life insurance?
A business runs on its human capital and its most important people are its key employees and the business owners.
A business key-person could be anyone whose absence would affect the profitability of the business; eg: if they were to die or become disabled and unable to continue to work.
Some typical examples of key people could be:
- Director, Managing Director or CEO
- Partner in a partnership
- An employee with a particular skill or technical expertise
- Senior sales manager
Insurance to cover the absence of a key person can help in keeping the business running (by replacing lost revenue, repaying debts and/or finding a replacement).
All of these people can qualify for personal insurances even if they may have a particular health condition that would make the outcome of a traditional insurance application more uncertain.
Can you still get life insurance with a history of recreational drug use?
Life is complicated.
Getting on with life is even more complicated; so it's important to talk about what matters most and know where we stand.
- In 2019, around 3.4 million Australians reported using an illicit (recreational) drug in the last 12 months.1
So how does having a history of personal drug use affect your ability to create a safety net for yourself and your family?
Here's what you need to know ahead of time when you're needing to get your life insurances sorted.
Celebrating Intersex Day of Remembrance
Intersex Remembrance Day
'Pink is for girls and blue is for boys. Girls are princesses and boys are pirates. Girls like only boys and boys don’t kiss other boys... — These are just a few restrictive ideas of gender and gender identity that have seen many queer people marginalised and scrutinised for centuries'.
(National Geographic Magazine - Jan 2017 issue)If there is anything we know, it's that life is not black and white - and not everyone is neatly defined by an Acronym LGBTI.
COVID-19 and Life Insurances FAQs
COVID-19 & Life Insurances FAQs
Our top frequently asked questions by clients about life insurance policies and COVID-19 and vaccinations
Australia is now in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.
With rolling lockdowns and much general uncertainty ahead, as we race towards the nation's next mass vaccination target, it's only natural people are looking for certainty and asking important questions about 'whether COVID-19 affects their life insurance policies in any way?'
Well we have some good news to share.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we’ve received about life insurances and COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccinations.
Crisis Recovery Protection
Crisis Recovery insurance means you can focus on getting better, without worrying about how you’re going to get by once you recover.
Crisis Recovery insurance (also called Critical Illness Trauma Recovery insurance) is designed to pay a specified lump sum (or in some cases installments) to you if you’re diagnosed with a specified serious illness or injury that's covered by the policy such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, and breast or prostate cancer.
Up until now, this was simply not possible for people with complex health conditions.
- Poor health can destroy wealth quickly. Hits to our health are often far worst than other financial losses because they often dry up our income-making capacity too.
- Today people often use it as part of a backup plan to fund their major medical expenses, reducing (or even paying off) debts and maintaining their lifestyle while they recover.
- Crisis Recovery insurance is a useful backup plan when you don't have access to savings or large sums of disposable cash when you may need it the most.
An uncomfortable reality
Today's rising cost of sophisticated medical treatments and pharmaceutical interventions means that having a health crisis now equates to having a financial crisis. Money has become a potent treatment tool as advances in medicine.
This is where Crisis Recovery insurance can be a powerful safety net.
Depending upon the level of cover you choose, it can even allow you to make permanent lifestyle changes like not needing to return to work full time.
Key Terms to know
- The benefit amount is the amount the policy covers you for as chosen by you.
- The defined conditions (listed in the PDS) are the specified conditions the policy is designed to pay out for.
Practically speaking - 'remove the worry of paying bills while you recover from a serious condition'
Case Study
Meet George: single again and working hard to re-establish his life after a relationship change. After a recent Family Law Court order, he lost most of his assets and a sizeable chunk of his superannuation so he’s having to rebuild his life, a little faster than expected.
Apart from just dealing with the stress of a relationship breakdown, he's also dealing with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. The prospects for full recovery look good, but George still needs a plan to make sure his partner and stepdaughter are cared for and have certainty about his personal financial position too.
- He will need to continue to pay his rent and living expenses while he recovers and works through the uncertain length of rehabilitation after chemotherapy has finished.
- George’s Crisis Recovery insurance payout means he can choose to afford the cost of elective cancer treatment and doesn’t have to ‘wait for a year to see how it progresses’ and ‘wait for a bed in a public hospital to become available’.
His insurance benefit payment means he can continue to live in the same area where he feels settled and connected and continue to meet his usual living expenses. He can even afford to pay his sister to take 2 months off work to stay with him if he needs more help at home during treatments, while he focuses on getting better.
George has significant financial options available, because he chose to set up a Crisis Recovery insurance backup plan, just in case.
Why you may need Crisis Recovery insurance
Crisis Recovery Illness insurance (aka Trauma Recovery insurance) is especially important for single people who may not have dependable family support, for people with dependents or who might have a non-working partner.
- Most Australian's just don’t have ready access to at least 6 months of emergency savings at hand that can continue to pay all their debts and normal living expenses.
- Add to this the increased financial burden of unexpected medical and rehabilitation costs and a medical crisis can quickly become a financial crisis too.
It’s especially relevant for:
- Singles with low family support
- Young families with large debt obligations and low salable asset values
- People who are the major income earning in a relationship
- People with low emergency savings at hand
Take a moment to consider how much immediate cash reserves you have on hand today to put towards paying for a serious medical issue (particularly where you may need to stop work due to serious medical trauma or injury).
- What's your realistic plan to cope with the mortgage repayment or the weekly rental, the car loan and credit card repayments and everyday expenses - on top of sudden medical costs for treatments and rehabilitation?
Real Life Statistics
- An estimated 145,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Australia this year, with that number likely to rise to 150,000 in 2020.Cancer Council – Facts and Figures
- Almost half a million people are hospitalised each year as a result of injury, and a further 12,000 people die due to injury. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – Injury, June 2017
The average lifetime Cancer Management1 costs for people 15 years and over are:
- $95,460 for head, neck and thyroid cancers
- $74,600 for lung cancer
- $51,460 for bowel cancer
- $36,800 for prostate cancer
- $36,040 for breast cancer
- $20,360 for melanoma skin cancer
Data source 1 Zurich, the Cost of Care whitepaper, pp.11 – 12
How it works together with other insurance covers
This is how Crisis Recovery insuranceworks alongside Income Protection.
- Crisis Recoveryinsurance is designed to pay an immediate lump sum to help offset unexpected medical expenses should you suffer a medical crisis specified in the policy, to help you stabilise debt obligations and personal cash flow.
- Income Protection insurance is designed to protect up to 70% of your income after a waiting period of your choice, while you cannot work due to sickness or injury.
- TPD insuranceis designed to protect against long-term disability and pay a lump sum after a 6-month wait if you become permanently disabled, as defined in the policy and you can no longer work in your current occupation.
Together they can protect your immediate loss of health and your future loss of income-earning ability.
Questions people ask about...
Crisis & Trauma Recovery Insurances
Take a look at some quick questions people ask about Accident Only protection insurance.
What is it?
Crisis Recovery Insurance (AKA Trauma Insurance or Recovery Insurance) provides a lump sum payment if one of the many insured trauma events listed in the policy, were to happen to you, such as being diagnosed with advanced cancer or having a major heart attack or stroke.
- While you may physically recover, you may still be suffering financially for many years to come so it makes sense to protect yourself from the increased financial costs if a significant illness means you can’t work for some time.
How does Crisis Recovery Insurance help you?
A serious illness puts stress on your mental and emotional well being. It can be financially devastating for you and your family. Crisis Recovery insurance is designed to pay you an immediate lump sum of money to help with recovery and income liquidity if you are diagnosed with one of the listed medical events.
What's the chance of needing Crisis Recovery Insurance?
- There is a 1 in 3 chance of needing to claim on a Crisis Recover policy during your lifetime. (This type of policy is the one you will more likely than not, need to claim upon).
You’ll usually receive a lump sum payment that you can use to cover things like out-of-pocket medical expenses and regular living costs. This means you can focus on getting well, without worrying about how you’re going to get by once you recover.
Different policies have different levels of cover for specific conditions; such as being diagnosed with advanced cancer, major heart attack or stroke, advanced dementia or cancers. Your Unusual Risks Financial Adviser can help map these benefits to your specific needs.
Do I need Crisis Recovery insurance?
Most probably, Yes.
Crisis Recovery insurance can be particularly helpful if you don’t have other forms of financial assets you can sell if needed and protection such as Income Protection Insurance, Life Insurance, Private Health Insurance or Employee Benefits. How much you’ll need is usually based on your cost of living and maintaining any debts you have.
Many people use Crisis Recover insurance to offset their Income Protection cover (that only covers a maximum of 75% of your income) to pay for major medical and rehabilitation costs. Some people even use it to pay out a mortgage in the event they suffer one of the Crisis conditions listed in the policy.
Are the names Crisis Insurance and Trauma Insurance interchangeable?
Yes. Crisis Recovery Insurance and Trauma Insurance usually refer to the same type of policy, just from different providers (and yes we think this causes unnecessary confusion too).
What class of medical conditions can be covered by a Crisis Recovery policy?
Every life insurance company has a different set of conditions covered by a Crisis Recovery policy so you need to work with an adviser to help match you to one that meets your needs
Broadly speaking, Criss Recovery insurances can cover about 40+ listed medical events from six main categories including
- Cancers and tumours of specified severity
- Heart conditions of specified severity
- Severe accident, loss of sight, hearing, speech, use of limbs, paralysis, and loss of independence
- Neurological conditions at the specified severity
- Blood conditions
- Specific Chronic conditions
For a full listing client the list below.
List of individual medical events can be cover by Crisis Recovery insurance
Here is a sample of what can be covered by different Crisis/Trauma policies.
Cancers and tumours at the specified severity
- Benign tumour in the brain or spinal cord (with neurological deficit)
- Cancer (excluding early-stage cancers)*
Heart conditions at the specified severity
- Angioplasty (triple vessel)
- Aortic surgery
- Cardiac arrest (out of hospital)
- Cardiomyopathy (with significant permanent impairment)
- Coronary artery bypass surgery*
- Heart attack (of specified severity)*
- Heart valve surgery
- Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (with permanent impairment)
Severe accident and loss; loss of sight, hearing, speech, use of limbs, paralysis, and loss of independence
- Diplegia
- Hemiplegia
- Major head trauma
- Loss of use of hands, feet or sight, hearing, independence, sight, speech
- Paraplegia
- Quadriplegia
- Severe accident or illness requiring intensive care (with mechanical ventilation for 10 consecutive days)
- Severe burns (of specified extent)
Neurological conditions at the specified severity
- Bacterial meningitis or meningococcal septicaemia (with severe life impact)
- Coma (of specified severity)
- Dementia including Alzheimer's disease (diagnosis)
- Encephalitis (with permanent neurological deficit)
- Motor neurone disease (diagnosis)
- Multiple sclerosis (with impairment level)
- Muscular dystrophy (with impairment level)
- Parkinson’s disease (diagnosis)
- Stroke (of specified severity)*
- Aplastic anaemia (requiring treatment)
- Medically acquired HIV
- Occupationally acquired hepatitis B or C
- Occupationally acquired HIV
Other specific chronic conditions at the specified severity
- Chronic kidney failure (end stage)
- Chronic liver disease (end stage)
- Chronic lung disease (end stage)
- Diabetes (of specified severity)major organ transplant (or waiting list)
- Pneumonectomy
- Severe rheumatoid arthritis (with permanent daily life impact)
*Pro Tip: Make sure to read each insurance providers list of specified medical traumas covered by their Crisis Recovery Insurance as there is great variation between them.
How much does Crisis Recovery Insurance cost?
The cost of Crisis Recovery Insurance policy is based on a range of factors: your age, gender, smoking (and vaping) status, current health, lifestyle, and general occupation.
How do you pay for Crisis Recovery Insurance?
Crisis Recovery insurance premiums can be paid monthly, half-yearly and yearly by direct debit and may be tax-deductible. The premiums for this type of policy cannot be paid from a super fund.
How much Crisis Recovery Insurance cover do I need?
Trauma Insurance can be particularly helpful if you don’t have other forms of financial assets and protection such as Income Protection Insurance, Life Insurance, Private Health Insurance and Employee Benefits.
How much you’ll need is usually based on you and your family’s cost of living and any debts you have.
Can they cancel the policy on me if I get sick in the future?
A Guaranteed Renewable Crisis Recover policy obligates the insurer to continue coverage as long as premiums are paid on the policy, regardless of changes in the policy owners health or occupation.
Can I increase the amount of cover if I need later?
You can always apply to upgrade an existing policy to a higher level of cover when you're verifiable income increases beyond 70% of your current in force cover.
Do I have to disclose future changes in my health?
There is no requirement for you to update a life insurance company about any changes in your future health.
Once a Crisis Recovery Insurance policy is in force, any future changes in your health (or even your occupation), will not affect your cover while the policy remains paid up and in force.
Where to Now?
Continue your journey…
- Make sure you Browse through our Blog
- Have questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions
- Discover someone with a similar situation in our list of Case Studies
- When you're ready to know if we can work with you, take our Anonymous Pre-assessment
- Send us an Email or Jump the queue and Call for a Chat
Dave the party guy gets his Income Protection sorted without embarrassment
- Read the video transcript below.
Dave, life of the party
He's a big fan of the party life and 'works hard so he can play hard'. If you ever got into a serious conversation with him, he's an open-minded no-labels kind of guy.
His work ute looks as good as he does and he's in high demand on Saturday night - and always swipes right - if you know what we mean.
Do I need life insurance if I'm Single and LGBTQIA+?
Do I need life insurance if I'm Single and LGBTQIA+?
The answer is probably Yes, and here's why
Many LGBTQIA+ singles are taking control of their own lives and getting their Life Insurance sorted sooner than many of their straight allies, who traditionally risk leaving such important decisions until they’re married with children.
And that’s because LGBTQIA+ folk often face more unique challenges than our straight friends.
Many LGBTQIA+ people understand the importance of having their own Income Protection insurance in place because it helps protect their ability to continue to earn an income, to live, to love (and to party). However many LGBTQIA+ people have additional Life Insurance needs and challenges.
Does it still make sense to think about Life Insurances today?
Life still goes on, even in the middle of a Pandemic.
Yes, it makes perfect sense to think about life insurance today - especially today - because life still happens to us all, all the time, even during difficult times.
One of the dangers of living through difficult times (and the LGBTQIA+ Community is no stranger to surviving difficult times) is we can sometimes fixate on the biggest issue and ignore the most important issue - our life, love, and relationships continue regardless.
Our innate adaptability can lead many LGBTQIA+ couples to embrace wildly different financial goals, styles and circumstances in our partners.
Getting Life Insurance when you're living with an MS diagnosis
Are you living with a hidden complex health condition?
It's time for a fresh look at living with a multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis and getting your life insurance and income protection sorted.
MS affects approximately 2,5 million people worldwide, but when you live with multiple sclerosis (MS), it may already feel tough to relate to people who don’t have the condition. As people with an often hidden condition, they face challenges because of their disability but if they're also identifying as LGBTQIA+ the 'double whammy' of feeling like a “minority within a minority” can feel like more discrimination.
How it Works
Life Insurance is a complex area with no second chance to fix a mistake
Once you have a Life Insurance policy in force, it can't be taken away from you. But of course, there's the problem of getting one in the first place...
Life Insurance is an 'underwritten financial product'. This means that levels of risk are often measured by insurance underwriters in 'likelihoods' and '% of chance'. Until recently, for HIV research, insurance underwriters had limited data to make predictions from so they simply refused to offer Life Insurance in circumstances where people were diagnosed with HIV.
Why you need a specialist adviser from
When you have a pre-existing medical condition, getting high-quality Life Insurance requires the expertise of a specialty Risk Insurance Adviser because of 4 key reasons;
- The different medical underwriting requirements are complex
- The assessment criteria change constantly
- Not all insurance providers are able to work with pre-existing medical conditions (but they don't tell you that up front so the resulting formal 'application declined' goes on your permanent record)
- We specialise in navigating through this complex area
4 Incredibly important things you need to know about life insurance
Here are 4 significant differences that are often overlooked when setting up specialty life insurance.
- Once a Life Insurance policy is in force, it's considered to be 'non-cancellable' by the insurance provider (as long as you continue to pay the premiums)
- It's automatically renewed each year without any further assessment, for the life of the product (regardless of any changes in your health, occupation or personal situation)
- You may have the option to select level premiums for the life of the product. This can mean savings of thousands of dollars over the life of the product. The earlier this is done, the greater the savings that can be achieved.
- You may be able to pay the premiums from your superannuation fund balance. When done in combination with level premiums, this can be a very cost-effective strategy for most people.
When taking time means good value to you
These are also 4 reasons why Life Insurance companies spend a lot of time in the initial assessment of the policy — because once you have a policy, it can't be taken away from you. So, now you can see the value in having a non-cancellable Life Insurance policy that's right for you.
The typical scenario
Sadly, we come across situations where people have already applied for life insurance only to be refused based upon their lifestyle and their medical conditions.
- Every time they apply for insurance again, (any type of insurance covered by the Duty of Disclosure laws) they are legally required to disclose all past insurance refusals otherwise an insurance company can refuse a claim based upon non-disclosure.
- If they apply for insurance again, they are then legally required to disclose past insurance refusals. This often becomes a real cycle of pain.
Our anonymous pre-assessment process prevents this damage from happening.
Why the standard life insurance application form works against you when you have specialty needs
If you're health-conscious, eat and exercise well, maintain your weight and have an active lifestyle, this is important information that should also be taken into consideration by a life insurance underwriter. But with a standard application form, none of this is taken into account, so the result is almost always an automatic 'no'.
The disturbing reality is that the safety of your data is not safe when you don't use a specialist like Unusual Risks
One of the common practices for general advisers and employed advisers is to simply 'send your health information around to different insurance companies' in the hope that one of them might be interested and provide feedback on whether they can help. The ugly inside truth is that many of the risk insurers don't admit they don't both or provide helpful feedback because of vested interests and concerns over commercial intelligence.
- Unless you're a specialist adviser, you don't have the time to research and stay on top of the changes that occur on a monthly basis.
So now you can see why you need the specialist team at to get you the result safely, efficiently and confidentially.
Everything we do is all about giving you the best chance of success without the risk
At Unusual Risks, we understand the underwriting processes and the medical requirements that insurers need to work with. We can present you in the most favourable light so that your chances of success are the highest.
- We use technology to help us anonymously pre-assess your medical position so that potential difficulties can be dealt with — without the need to identify you and create a permanent record that might influence a future application.
In reality, someone living with HIV or diabetes is still more likely to be turned down for life insurance by mainstream insurers than someone who doesn't have these conditions. If you are offered cover, you'll pay about the same premium as other people with pre-existing conditions such as cancer, certain kinds of heart conditions, or smokers.
Our anonymous pre-assessment processgives you the absolute best chance of success.
How we do it?
- We start by providing up-to-date, high-quality relevant information about what's now possible for people living with diabetes or HIV.
- Then we provide an anonymous online pre-assessment service so that people can quickly find out if their medical condition is one we can work with.
- Finally, we check your medical information with you to confirm if you were to make a formal application for life insurances, you'd have a very significant chance of success.
10 Good reasons to choose Unusual Risks as your specialty risk adviser
- You control the conversation
- Easy online pre-Assessment
- The ability to be pre-Assessed anonymously
- The ability to complete personal and private questionnaires securely online
- Our expertise and deep understanding of HIV and diabetes issues
- Our skill at matching the right clients' health profiles to the right insurance providers
- Our ability to talk about anything without judgment or embarrassment
- Our No-surprises No-BS Guarantee
- All our practices, procedures and interactions with our clients are Trauma Informed
- Your choice of communication method: Video-to-Video, phone-to-phone or face-to-face (or just old-school email).
Tell us how we can best work with you, and we'll make that happen.
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- Make sure you Browse through our Blog
- Have questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions
- Discover someone with a similar situation in our list of Case Studies
- When you're ready to know if we can work with you, take our Anonymous Pre-assessment
- Send us an Email or Jump the queue and Call for a Chat
How much life insurance cover do I need?
This question has always intrigued me because it sounds similar to the equally difficult-to-answer question, ‘how long is a piece of string?’
I suppose the answer is, ‘as long as it needs to be and as much as you need to have’.
But that's probably not going to move the answer along much, so here is a good place to start your thinking.
How to buy life insurance if you're LGBTQIA+
An interesting question we're often asked is,
'Who are the most uninsured people in the community?'
The answer might surprise (and sadden) you.Young male P plate drivers? Young Tradies? Army Reserve personnel? Single mothers? No.
The Australian LGBTQIA+ Community is one of the most underinsured and underserved markets with financial services.
This of course then leaves them and their families at greater vulnerability than their straight counterparts.
Income Protection
Protecting yourself from sickness and injury – so you can keep on earning a living.
We help people living with well-managed HIV, diabetes or other complex health conditions get high quality Income Protection cover
Previously, people with complex health needs were excluded from high-quality Income Protection - now that's changed for our clients.
- Income Protection is an insurance cover for one of the most important assets of all – your ability to continue to keep on earning a living.
Explaining Income Protection
Income Protection insurance as the name suggests is designed to protect your ability to continue to earn an income and pay up to 70% (previously 75%) of your income if you're unable to work due to sickness or injury. It can provide cover worldwide 24/7 and can even protect 100% of your employer's super contributions too.
- The waiting period is the number of days before the income benefit payments start. It can be as short as 14 days and can be as long as 12 months (or even more), whatever you choose.
- The benefit period is the length of time you’ll receive payments while you’re unable to work due to sickness or injury. These can often be for set periods of 2 years or more, even up to age 65 (and now in some cases age 70), depending on what you choose.
- The payment method is the way you agree to pay the insurance premiums. These can be from your personal funds, perhaps from your super fund or even a combination of both, depending upon whatever you choose.
There are so many different options available with Income Protection.
Your financial advisor from unusual risks is the expert to best help you understand your options and cut through what can often feel an overwhelming process to find your unique solution.
Our income drives our lifestyle - not just paying rent, mortgages, car loans and credit cards, but living a full and interesting life Drew Browne
Practically speaking - always protect what you cannot afford to lose
Case Study
Meet Amber and Jenni: corporate professionals who, like most Australians, rely upon their weekly wages to maintain their lifestyle.
Leanne had a back injury that over time deteriorated into a herniated disk in her lower back and she needed to claim upon her income protection insurance.
This is how Leanne's income protection was useful in three different ways;
- While needing to work part time with reduced hours due to the injury, her income protection insurance helped cover the part time loss of wages.
- A year later when the doctors decided a surgical solution was needed and Leanne was unable to work at all, her income protection helped cover the full-time loss of wages while surgery, recovery, and rehabilitation occurred.
- After successful surgery and rehabilitation, Leanne returned to work, initially part-time. Her income protection insurance again helped cover the part time loss of wages until she was able to fully return to work and continue her normal job. At that point, her income protection stopped and life returned to a new type of normal.
Having access to flexible income protection, Leanne was able to take time off work as she needed and have her income continue to meet her mortgage, car loans, manage credit cards and plan a way through with financial certainty.
In an unrelated incident the following year while cleaning a blocked gutter in the rain, while standing on a wheelie bin, Leanne slipped and broke her leg and was off work again - and her income protection commenced again as it was needed.
Why you may need income protection
The financial engine of our lifestyles is our continuing ability to earn our incomes.
Over the course of a lifetime, most people will earn a small fortune (and rely upon their super contributions for their ability to eventually retire).
Quick Tip: Just multiply your current annual income by the remaining years until you reach age 65 (retirement age) and you’ll see what you really have at risk if you lose your ability to earn an income.Protecting your ability to continue to earn an income makes clear financial sense.
It’s especially relevant for:
- Single people who might not have strong family or relationship support
- People in relationships depending upon dual incomes
- People with ongoing debts, like a mortgage, rent, credit cards and personal loans that couldn't be paid if they were unable to work due to sickness or injury.
- People who have regular family expenses like food, household bills, council rates or strata fees, school fees, vehicle costs (and perhaps child support payments or IVF treatment costs) and who don't have immediate access to substantial savings to use to replace their lost income if needed
- People who want an effective backup plan in place if one (or both of their incomes) were to stop due to sickness or injury
A special note for self-employed people
Self-employed and business people have different needs and restrictions on their incomes so if that's your situation, relax, the professionals behind Unusual Risks Insured can talk you through your special options too.
Real Life Statistics
- 20% of all mortgage defaults in Australia are ‘due to illness or accident in household'
(Mortgage default in Australia: nature, causes and social and economic Impacts, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, March 2010)
How it works together with other insurance covers
This is how Income Protection works alongsideTotal and Permanent Disability.
- Income Protection insurance is designed to protect up to 70% of your income after a waiting period of your choice, while you cannot work due to sickness or injury.
- TPD insurance is designed to protect against long-term disability and pay a lump sum after 6-month wait if you become permanently disabled, as defined in the policy and you can no longer work in your current occupation.
- Crisis Recovery insurance is designed to pay an immediate lump sum to help offset short-term unexpected medical expenses should you suffer a medical crisis specified in the policy, to help stabilise debt obligations and personal cash flow.
Together they can protect you against short term interruption in your ability to go on earning your income and long term permanent disability when you meet the conditions of both insurances you can receive both benefit payments
Questions people ask about...
Income Protection Insurances
Take a look at some quick questions people ask about Income Protection Insurance.
What is it?
Income Protection Insurance provides a regular payment in place of your income if you’re unable to work for extended periods due to injury or illness.
- Income Protection can protect up to 70% of your earned income if you're sick or injured and can't continue to work in your current job.
How it helps you?
Income Protection can help get you through a difficult period, without having to eat into your savings or rely on outside help – so a temporary setback to earning your income doesn’t put you behind for years.
What's the chance of needing it?
- There is a 1 in 4 chance of needing to claim for Income Protection insurance during your working life.
It can pay you for as long as you remain temporarily disabled and unable to work, as specified in your policy and depending on the policy, can also replace your super fund contribution, so your retirement savings can keep growing even while you’re unable to work.
Do I need Income Protection insurance?
Most probably, Yes.
You have a 1 in 4 chance of being off work for at least 3 months due to sickness or injury before you reach age 65 and most people do not have sufficient liquid assets in an emergency fund to replace their income (and continue to pay their regular bills) for more than 30 days.
When you start thinking about Income Protection insurance, you're also protecting your ability to continue to receive an income until you either recover or retire.
How much does it cost?
The cost of Income Protection insurance is based on a range of factors: your age, gender, smoking (and vaping) status, current health, lifestyle, and general occupation.
How do you pay for it?
Income Protection insurance premiums can be paid monthly, half-yearly or yearly by direct debit and may be tax-deductible.
You may even be able to have the premiums paid from an existing super fund or SMSF as an automatic partial rollover, in certain circumstances.
How much Income Protection cover do I need?
You can choose up to 75% of your earned income How much cover you need depends upon your ability to meet your own ongoing living (and perhaps Rehabilitation) costs, the degree to which you depend upon your income and who depends on you financially.
Can they cancel the policy on me if I get sick?
No. A Guaranteed Renewable Income Protection policy obligates the insurer to continue coverage as long as premiums are paid on the policy, regardless of changes in the policy owner's health or occupation.
Can I upgrade the policy as I need later?
You can always apply to upgrade an existing policy to a higher level of cover when you're verifiable income increases beyond 75% of your current in force policy.
Do I have to update them about changes in my health?
No. There is no requirement for you to update a life insurance company about any changes in your future health.
Once an Income Protection Insurance policy is in force, any future changes in your health (or even your occupation), will not affect your cover while the policy remains paid up and in force.
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Insurances for Business Owners & Partners
Business Owners and Professional Partners have unique risks and needs not usually adequately covered by their private family insurance plans.
Business is filled with uncertainty. Now you can plan for that.
While the risks to businesses are seemingly unending, the personal risks to Owners and Professional Partners can usually be found in 4 areas.
- Business Key Person and Debt protection
- Business Fixed Expenses protection
- Business Owners and Professional Partnerships protection
- Business Owner and Partnership Succession protection.
These become increasingly sensitive and complicated issues for business owners and business partners who may have specific personal medical issues that deserve an enhanced level of privacy and are kept totally separate from their commercial activities.
- Company directors may need to use life insurance to protect the company trading debts, the director's account (when Director's funds have been lent to the company) or to protect the capital investment.
- Business partners may need to use insurances to limit becoming personally liable for company losses as their personal homes are often cross-securing the company debts.
- Partnerships and Investors may require company key-persons to use a range of insurances to help protect capital invested.
Why is this really important?
Personal insurance applications are one of the very few areas in business life where an individual's personal health and lifestyle is mandatorily required to be disclosed.
- Your private health and lifestyle history is considered an integral part of the insurance application and assessment process. This is because personal insurances are contracts between the life insured/policy owner and the life insurance company, so there's a legal duty to take reasonable steps not to mislead under Section 20B of the Insurance Contracts Act, requiring the full and frank disclosure of all personal sensitive medical and personal health data.
- Should an application for insurance be formerly declined, this can have unintended and long-lasting effects on so many areas that it becomes a risk to all future insurance.
This is why you need a specialty financial adviser from to help an individual and their company through the process.
Read our article published on LinkedIn Pulse - Professional people with chronic health conditions need their own life insurance adviser - and this is why (or in our blog here) about why many professionals and business owners are using our services for enhanced privacy.How it all comes together.
Business Key Person and Debt Protection
The death or disablement of a key person could have a significant impact on the revenue of a business and therefore its ability to meet its day-to-day expenses.
- This could be because the key person for example, has a unique skill or has particular knowledge relevant to the business or has relationships with key clients nationally or internationally.
Business Fixed Expenses Protection
Business Overheads cover, (also known as fixed business expenses cover), allows a business to continue to pay its fixed expenses if one of the business owners becomes sick or injured.
- This type of cover usually pays a monthly benefit to the business, to meet its day-to-day fixed costs, generally for up to 12 months, if the insured person is disabled and is unable to work in the business at their full capacity.
- All family businesses need an insurance firewall to reduce business liabilities becoming personal liabilities.
Insurance policies to cover business overheads are generally owned by the business entity, sole traders or partners (in the case of a partnership and the policy premiums are generally tax-deductible, and the proceeds are treated as assessable income to the business.
Building protection into your business planning is one of the most important decisions you can make.
Business Owner and Professional Partnerships protection
At some point, many businesses will borrow money from a financial institution or a director – this may be to provide a business with capital for a major purchase or improvement, or simply to provide a source of working capital.
The purpose of business debt reduction insurance is to protect the business against its debts and to protect the guarantor and their estate against any claim over their personal assets.
- If the Key-person or Guarantor to a business loan experienced a serious illness, accident or worst - an unexpected death - a business could experience significant financial difficulty and may find it hard to continue to meet all of its loan repayments.
- A loan default could result and then trigger a 'call-up' of the business loan facility (usually 7 days notice) with a demand for the loan to be repaid in full.
Most 'at call loans' deem a Key Person death or disability as an automatic trigger event to call up the loan.
Business Owner & Partner Succession Protection
If you own a business with other people, it’s important for everyone to agree on how the ownership of the business will be transferred, should one of the owners (or principals) pass away, become disabled, or leave the business for another reason; eg: resignation or retirement.
- This is referred to as business continuation or succession, planning.
How that is made possible is usually heavily dependent upon;
- successfully applying and establishing personal insurances for protecting business risks, and
- involves the full and frank disclosures of all personal sensitive health and lifestyle information.
These create multiple specialty risks.
Unusual risks are the experts to manage and protect the information security and advice structures required by these business owners and professional partnerships.
Are you a business owner with additional business-related risk needs to consider?
For small business Business Owners, our parent brand Sapience Financial has a significantly more detailed website designed especially for Professionals, Partnerships & Business Owners (and their families) where we address many of the risks and personal liabilities many business people (and their families) carry. On that website site business owners can browse through more tailored information and education on business risks.
Feel free to continue yoiur business conversation with our small business financial advice brand Sapience Financial, here.
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Insurances for People taking PrEP
Good News for Australians taking PrEP for HIV prevention.
People taking PrEP are now eligible for the full range of Life Insurance products stigma-free: if you know specialist Financial Advisor Drew Browne, the person behind
This means people using PrEP can get a full range of insurance covers;
- Life Insurance
- Income Protection
- Crisis Recovery Protection
- Total & Permanent Disability (TPD), and even
- past formal declines on insurance applications for Life Insurance or Income Protection cover
All policies are now available to Australians taking PrEP - stigma and attitude free - through the specialist financial advisers behind
So what is PrEP?
You may have already heard about PrEP or perhaps you're looking for more information about how it affects your chances of getting Life Insurance or Income Protection cover?
Either way, PrEP is a medical breakthrough that's already playing a vital role in the efforts to End HIV by 2020. Now the medication is listed on the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme), just about anyone can now get on it.
Taking PrEP is a highly effective medication for preventing exposure to HIV.
- PrEP is an acronym that stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It involves HIV-negative people taking antiretroviral drugs to protect themselves getting HIV and prevent HIV infection – in just one tablet a day.
- PrEP is, as the name implies, a pre-exposure strategy, unlike post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), which is taken after potential exposure to HIV has occurred.
In a nut-shell
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) or technically more accurately, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), simply refers to the regular use of HIV medications by HIV-negative people to prevent them from acquiring HIV.
- Studies also show it helps lower HIV- anxiety among its users. *JAIDS Journal 11.2019
Who is taking PrEP?
Whether exposure to HIV is through sex or needlestick injuries, there are many people using PrEP to prevent them from being exposed to HIV and taking control of their sexual health and future well-being.
- Studies show PrEP is effective but the uptake of PrEP has been slow with research showing that's partly due to Stigma and Discrimination concerns - something the team at understands and provides a complete solution for when you need to apply for Life Insurances or Income Protection.
In Australia, lots of people use PrEP for lots of reasons
- Some sexually active gay and bisexual men, transgender people and heterosexual people with an HIV positive partner who doesn't have an undetectable viral load, are part of the population groups at higher risk.
- Similarly, Medical Professionals, Police, Fire, Ambulance and Emergency Services Workers are all at higher risk of occupational exposure to blood-borne viruses through sharps and needlestick injury.
Real Life statistics
- In Australia, approximately 30 needlestick injuries (NSI's) per 100 beds occur per year.
- At least 18,000 healthcare professionals suffer from an NSI every year.
- And 80% of reported NSI's involve a contaminated needle. The Alliance for Sharps Safety and Needlestick Prevention in Healthcare
Research shows that the medication used for PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV transmission among these population groups.
You can learn more about PrEP here.
What's the problem with PrEP and getting Life Insurance?
Up until now, Australians taking PrEP have faced uncertainty, stigma and discrimination from Life Insurance companies towards the use of PrEP (and routinely find they also have to be the educator about PrEP).
- People applying for insurance through online comparison websites report completing the application with full lifestyle and medical disclosures, only to feel insulted when a formal decline is issued due to 'lifestyle considerations'
- People applying for insurance in their Superannuation fund report being routinely knocked back (and usually after having to disclose a full medical and lifestyle history) as the insurance provider doesn't 'deal with PrEP users'.
Most insurance companies and super funds simply do not provide underwriting for people with unusual occupations, hobbies, pastimes or lifestyles - if you get what we mean.
That's why people use the expertise of to get their insurances sorted - stigma-free.
How have Life Insurance companies treated people taking PrEP?
The New York Times broke the story of Dr. Philip Cheng, a urologist in Boston taking PrEP and being denied full insurance cover until he stopped taking, Truvada (the pharmaceutical brand name for PrEP) to prevent HIV infection.
- Many people applying for Life Insurances when disclosing they are taking PrEP to prevent them from being exposed to HIV have found themselves discriminated against and received forced formal declines on insurance applications for Life Insurance or Income Protection cover.
When American News is not accurate or helpful for Australians
Today as many people get their news from the internet, the growing risk is it may not always be relevant in Australia.
Many American Life Insurance companies take a discriminatory approach to how they underwrite the use of PrEP and outright deny any form of insurance coverage.
Many Australian Life Insurance companies and Superannuation Funds formerly decline applications for insurance by people using PrEP and discriminate in a similar way against people with well managed HIV or Diabetes.
Good news for Australians taking PrEP
The good news is Australians using PrEP and who need Life Insurance or Income Protection, now have a clear pathway to getting their cover sorted - stigma and discrimination free - through
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- Make sure you Browse through our Blog
- Have questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions
- Discover someone with a similar situation in our list of Case Studies
- When you're ready to know if we can work with you, take our Anonymous Pre-assessment
- Send us an Email or Jump the queue and Call for a Chat
Life Insurance
If you're thinking about life insurances, chances are you have something worth protecting.
These days HIV or diabetes doesn't have to be a life sentence
But most insurance companies still treat you like it is.
People with pre-existing well‑managed complex health conditions have, up till now, been prevented from accessing quality Life Insurances and Income Protection cover, simply because of their conditions.
Explaining Life insurance cover
Life insurance (also called term life or death cover) is designed to protect against the financial impact of unexpected death and pay a specified amount of money to your beneficiaries, helping to make sure they’re looked after in the event should that occur.
- The benefit payout is either paid to the owner of the policy, your nominated beneficiaries, or your estate.
- High-quality life cover can also payout upon diagnosis of a terminal illness in the final 24 months.
Practically speaking - don't leave your debt to people you love
Case Study
Meet John and David: partnered and paying a large mortgage together.
David’s $1.5 million life insurance policy will ensure his partner John is cared for in the event of an unexpected death or terminal illness, and the amount of cover is sufficient to pay off the mortgage and provide funds to invest to help replace David's income too.
- After driving home from a work event, David is injured in a multi-vehicle car accident, suffering a heart attack and passed away.
- His life insurance payout meant his partner John could remain in the family home they’d renovated together, could pay off the remaining mortgage, could continue to live close to their established network of friends and family of choice in the community they had both contributed to and live the lifestyle they had designed together.
It allowed John to face an unexpected major life change with the backup of significant financial options.
Why you may need life cover
Life insurance becomes even more important if you have people who rely upon you financially or if you have debts that need to be paid out upon your unexpected death.Most people don't know that 30% of all life insurance payouts have been for terminal illness
Expenses to protect could include:
- How much would be needed to pay off all your debt upon your unexpected death?
- How much would your surviving partner (and any dependents) need to pay living expenses?
- How much do children need to complete education and how will this be funded?
- If you unexpectedly passed away, would you want your partner to need to downsize and move to a cheaper location?
- Would you want them to have the stability of being able to remain in a familiar environment and help any children complete their education with the advantage of having a parent at home to look after them?
- And what are the practical cost for end-of-life expenses and how will this be funded?
Real Life Statistics
- 30% of all life cover claims are for terminal illnesses.
- 43,477 deaths were attributed to cardiovascular disease in Australia in 2017 and kills one Australian every 12 minutes. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – Injury, June 2017
This is not just about getting a Life Insurance policy, this is a human rights issue.
We believe that every Australian should have equal access to high-quality Life Insurance products, no matter what their sexuality, gender, race, age or beliefs. We believe this is not just about getting Life Insurance, this is a human rights issue.
Life Insurance can help you be certain your loved ones are provided for; your child's educational needs are taken care of and your chosen family won't have to worry about their future if you’re not there to continue to protect and provide for them.
When does life insurance payout?
Life insurance will normally payout upon the death of the life insured and can help their dependants cope financially after you die.
Many people don't know that high-quality life insurance can also pay out upon the diagnosis of a terminal illness in the remaining 24 months, as well making it a strong part of a backup plan.
A sad but all too-common experience
Often, when a couple establishes a life insurance policy to protect each other, one person has their application accepted, but the other is refused because of a pre-existing health condition.
Both are left feeling that a wedge has been driven between them and that their needs and choices were not understood, honoured or valued.
At Unusual Risks Insured our mission is to change this and be the change we want to see in the world.
How it works together with other insurance covers
This is how Life Insurance works alongside Disability Insurances
- Life Insurance can also payout upon a Terminal Illness in the last 24 months.
- Approximately 30% of all life insurance payouts are for terminal illnesses.
- This is referred to as a payment in advance and can be a significant financial help during the most difficult of times.
- Crisis Recovery insurance is designed to pay an immediate lump sum to help offset unexpected medical expenses and help you maintain your financial liquidity in the event of an unforeseen (and usually expensive) medical crisis specified in the policy. This can help stabilise debt obligations and boost your personal cash flow at a time when you are focused on recovery.
- Income Protectioninsurance is designed to protect up to 70% of your income after a waiting period of your choice, while you cannot work due to sickness or injury.
- Total & Permanent Disabilityinsurance is designed to protect against long-term disability and pay a lump sum after a 6-month wait if you become permanently disabled, as defined in the policy and you can no longer work in your current occupation.
Life insurance can provide a safety net for you today against terminal illness and provide for your family tomorrow.
Questions people ask about...
General Questions people ask about Life Insurance
Take a look at some quick questions people ask about Life Insurance.
What is it?The basic premise is simple:
- Life insurance gives you peace of mind while you're alive, and financial support for your loved ones when you're gone.
Life insurance can make a huge difference for you, your partner and your family, not just financially but emotionally too.
What's the chance of needing it?- There is a 1 in 10 chance of needing to claim for Life insurance or Terminal Illness.
Setting up a life insurance policy sooner, rather than later, will give you immediate security, more options and flexibility you'll need in the future.
Do I need Life Insurance?
Most probably, Yes.
It's something you should have if there are people in your life depending on you for everyday living expenses, renting a home or paying a mortgage and other major debts, protecting a family and even funding education costs or helping aging parents heading for retirement.
If you expect to have someone in the future who will be depending upon you, you might like to get things sorted now while you have confidence you can qualify for a life insurance policy.
How much does it cost?
The cost of Life Insurance is based on a range of factors: your age, gender, smoking (and vaping) status, current health, lifestyle, and general occupation.
Many people take a 'best to budget approach' and set a budget for insurance premiums.
How does it work?
If you were to unexpectedly pass away or become terminally ill, the policy is designed to payout to the nominated beneficiary or the estate of the life insured.
You can change your life insurance beneficiary nomination as often as you need.
How do you pay for it?
Life insurance premiums can be paid monthly or half-yearly and yearly by direct debit.
You may even be able to have the premiums paid from an existing super fund or SMSF as an automatic partial rollover, in certain circumstances.
How much life insurance cover do I need?
It depends on where you are in your life, what your big plans are and who depends on you financially.
If your single and self-reliant, you're probably interested in Income Protection for you now and Life Insurance for your future partner.
When you're in a relationship or have a family, you probably want to have enough to replace your income so your partner or spouse and children have the support they need.
- Use the Governments Money Smart Insurance Needs Calculator to find out how much life insurance you may need or we can help you talk through your options and prioritise your needs.
- You might also enjoy watching our fun explainer video called How Much is Enough? to help start your thinking about this difficult question.
Can they cancel the policy on me if I get sick?
No. A Guaranteed Renewable policy is an insurance policy feature that obligates the insurer to continue coverage as long as premiums are paid on the policy, regardless of changes in the policy owners health or occupation.
Can I upgrade the policy as I need later?
Yes. You can always apply to upgrade an existing policy to a higher level of cover.
You will probably need to make a fresh application and health assessment when seeking to increase your level of cover, so consider taking out a higher level of cover now with certainty, rather than running the risk later of not being able to increase your policy due to any unforeseen significant change in your occupation or your health.
Do I have to update them about changes in my health?
No. There is no requirement for you to update a life insurance company about any changes in your future health.
Once a Life Insurance policy is in force, any future changes in your health (or even your occupation), will not affect your cover while the policy remains paid up and in force.
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