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Can we set up your essential Estate Planning documents for you?

Yes, we can.

We share our own full estate planning service called 'Finally Sorted', with our sister brand Sapience Financial so we can help you get your Estate Planning documents, well, finally sorted.

Think of Modern Estate Planning as your Ultimate Pan B.

When do you need to get your own Estate Planning documents sorted?

Simple. When you turn 18 and want to be in control of your own life.

  • Modern Estate Planning protects you now while you are alive with Powers of Attorney (think traveling overseas and uncontactable), and Powers of Enduring Guardianship (think unconscious in hospital after a car accident) in case you're sick or injured or unable to make key decisions for yourself.
  • Modern Estate Planning protects your personal estate later and ensures your estate goes to those you care about and who care about you. Not the Tax Man.

The danger of a One-Size-Fits-All approach

Everyone is different.  Everyone's circumstances, background, and needs are their own. And nobody's expectations about how they want to protect and provide are ever the same.

That's why you need a professional who understands the danger that unconsidered differences, overlapping priorities, and competing interests can bring to life, love and work.

  • Perhaps you're just starting out on your own and have your first job?
  • Maybe you've partnered up and still working out the details?
  • Perhaps you're the financial and emotional support for an aging parent and need to safeguard them?
  • Maybe you're loaning money to a family member and need a Family Loan agreement (and deduct that from your Will later)
  • Perhaps you just have a fabulous family of choice you want to protect and provide for?
  • And just maybe, your biological family abandoned you and chose not to support their LGBTQIA+ children, so now you can't see the value (or justice) in letting them simply enjoy being your default beneficiary to your estate (or Life Insurance or Superannuation policy) should you unexpectedly pass away.

With so much variety within a fabulous community, there's really no such thing as average.

Modern Estate Planning is your Ultimate Plan B.

Some unique values we bring to Modern Estate Planning


Whether you just need a,

  • Simple Power of Attorney, a Power of Enduring Guardianship or a Simple Will for a person just starting out in life and keeping their options open

- we can help you out.

If you're needing something significantly more powerful with a future-looking Will with built-in features like;

  • Super Testamentary Trusts - that seeks to reduce a non-dependants tax rate to zero
  • Divorce Protection Trusts - that help protect the assets from the Family Court
  • Maintenance Trusts  -to protect beneficiaries under 18 years of age or unstable or living with addiction
  • Bankruptcy Trusts - that protect assets from a future beneficiary who may be in bankruptcy at the time of your death.

- we can help you out.

Legal Confidentiality

  • We work with an actual national law firm, (not a marketing agency with little more expertise than a slick website) so you are protected by their Legal Professional Privilege and their Professional Indemnity insurance on your estate planning conversations and documents with us.


  • We understand that sometimes in smaller communities (or remote towns), there are times when we all need the anonymity of a big city professional and the discretion of a financial advice team familiar and comfortable with the unique challenges and needs of being part of an underserved community.

We're in your corner.


  • If you are the Director of a company or a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) we can help with your Corporate Powers of Attorney (yes they are different to People Powers of Attorney), Confidentiality Agreements, Buy & Sell Agreements, Partnerships Agreements and so much more. For the important stuff of life, love and business you need to make it legal and in writing,
  • If you are part of a Stepfamily, perhaps you're Co-parenting or in a Polyamorous relationship with others

- we can help you out.

Why we provide this service?

For most of our Life Insurance clients, getting their Modern Estate Planning sorted is the natural next step to having all their important documents of life, love and business all in one place.

  • Putting your Life Insurance and Estate Planning documents together makes good sense and means updating them when major life changes occur, easier.
  • Your family's estate planning is too important to leave for a DIY approach on a lazy weekend, or when you have time ... sometime... next year, maybe.

Make a start today

Getting your Modern Estate Planning sorted is vital to ensure your wishes are carried out during your lifetime, and your assets pass along to your loved ones should you unexpectedly pass away — issues that can potentially be more complex for the LGBTQIA+ Community.

How to start your thinking about your Ultimate Plan B?

Four simple steps to getting started.

  1. Start by watching our fun explainer video The Ultimate Plan B here
  2. Then download and read our Free eGuide called 7 Myths of Estate Planning here
  3. Learn more about some key Modern Estate Planning concepts in our Case Study here.
  4. Then contact us for a discrete chat about your options.
Where to Now?
Continue your Modern Estate Planning journey…

About Us

Unusual Risks Insured provides support to those people who big insurance companies leave behind. We believe in giving every person the power to use life insurance products to protect & provide for their loved ones, their businesses, and their legacy — free from barriers of stigma and discrimination.

We know, as an LGBTQIA+ person (or someone who goes without labels entirely), you probably have specific financial advice, life insurance, and privacy needs.

  • We're committed to serving the LGBTQIA+ Community and its Allies.
  • For us, it's about change leadership and #AdviceEquality.

Why not make us part of your story, so if the unexpected happens to you or whoever is family to you, you'll have a backup plan in place to help you financially recover and life can still get better for somebody you love.

#LoveTakesAction  #AdviceEquality  #PrideInAdvice

contact drew browne advisor Unusual Risks Insured and Sapience Financial

Drew Browne, Senior Advisor

Contact Us

Working Online & serving Australia Wide
from George St Sydney, NSW, Australia.
[ Gadigal Land ] & [ Darug Country ]

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Phone: 1300 137 403
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