stigma and discrimination
Celebrating Intersex Day of Remembrance
Intersex Remembrance Day
'Pink is for girls and blue is for boys. Girls are princesses and boys are pirates. Girls like only boys and boys don’t kiss other boys... — These are just a few restrictive ideas of gender and gender identity that have seen many queer people marginalised and scrutinised for centuries'.
(National Geographic Magazine - Jan 2017 issue)If there is anything we know, it's that life is not black and white - and not everyone is neatly defined by an Acronym LGBTI.
HIV stigma - an insidious barrier to getting life insurance
Stigma and discrimination undermine more than just HIV prevention and treatments
Australia's known the world over as the lucky country and our unrestricted access to financial services such as life insurance is something that most Australians simply take for granted.
Straight and living with HIV?
Straight and living with HIV? It's becoming more common than you'd think
The typical straight guy (or girl) next door who is just living with a chronic health condition called HIV, is increasing
HIV is not a top-of-mind conversation starter for most straight guys and girls so many straight people believe HIV is not a health issue for the straight community, but they would be very mistaken.
- In Western Australia during 2020, more straight men were diagnosed with HIV than gay men.
- Despite new HIV numbers declining nationally for more than a decade, the number of straight men contracting the sexually transmitted HIV virus is on the rise.
The Story of Patricia - Podcast
The Story of Patricia Kennedy, OAM
A Grandmothers Fight to do What's Right - Battling HIV Stigma in Australia
- Hear how Mrs Patricia Kennedy, an Australian Scottish born Grandmother, remembers the 1980's and the arrival of HIV & AIDS to Australia
- A shocking and yet compelling interview for people who want to know the truth about a dark time in Australia's brief history, so we can learn how not to repeat the mistakes of the past on our young people today
What has sexuality got to do with a life insurance application?
What has sexuality got to do with a Life Insurance application?
The simple answer is — Not much.
The honest answer is — A lot more than you'd think
- Life Insurance companies traditionally haven't designed their products and services with LGBTQIA+ people in mind and tend not to consider the needs of diverse communities.
Research shows when service providers assume their clients are heterosexual and use heterosexist language, this can result in discomfort, alienation, and even ongoing discrimination against a significant part of the broader Australian community, their families, and friends.