It can be hard to identify what you are and where you want to go if you don't have the right wording to know what's even possible. This is why a lot of good financial advice looks like education.
Life insurances, Income Protection, and Estate Planning is all design to support what's important to you and safeguard whoever is family to you. Its an important part of modern life, love and business. Be sure to receive the information and guidance you need to make an educated decision. Browse through our Blog, our 100+ FAQs or contact us for a confidential chat.

A type 2 diabetes diagnosis can feel overwhelming, to say the least.
And while many of us may have a general idea of what this disease is, there’s a lot of misunderstanding surrounding what it means for the future for a person newly diagnosed with diabetes, and their families.

Where did you first start treatments?
For people living with HIV this is now a new important question asked in a Life Insurance application.
This year 2023, will mark 42 years since the first five cases of persons with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in Los Angeles, California – which later became known as GRID, then AIDS – were officially reported to health authorities.
Later it was discovered HIV is the virus that causes acquired AIDS, and so began the medical quest to stop HIV replication from person to person that continues today.

To all our Clients, Friends & Supporters - have a fabulous time at the Sydney Mardi Gras & Word Pride 2023 celebrating you!
- For over 20 years the team behind Unusual Risks Insured has quietly served Australia's Diverse Community of LGBTQIA+ folk and our Allies.
- We continue to stand by our friends and Community and we're here for you, all year round actually (not just for Mardi Gras ;) )

Taking PrEP to look after yourself and your mates
Looking after yourself and your mates is one of the key motivators behind people learning more about whether taking PrEP medication is right for them and their situation.
Taking care of the riskier parts of life (and work)
While most occupations have some low-level risk involved (ranging from papercuts to tripping over computer cables, to working with power tools or falling down mine shafts) some occupations have additional exposure risks to needlestick and sharps injuries - and if that's your occupation, you need to know about your PrEP and Income Protection insurance options.

Do I need life insurance if I'm Single and LGBTQIA+?
The answer is probably Yes, and here's why
Many LGBTQIA+ singles are taking control of their own lives and getting their Life Insurance sorted sooner than many of their straight allies, who traditionally risk leaving such important decisions until they’re married with children.
And that’s because LGBTQIA+ folk often face more unique challenges than our straight friends.
Many LGBTQIA+ people understand the importance of having their own Income Protection insurance in place because it helps protect their ability to continue to earn an income, to live, to love (and to party). However many LGBTQIA+ people have additional Life Insurance needs and challenges.

What's the plan for your Pets, if you're no longer here?
One of the more endearing traits of humanity is our ability to love who we love and our powerful drive to provide for those that we do.
While love knows no gender, it's also a fact our affections regularly cross the species barrier with Australians having one of the largest Pet ownership rates in the world, with three in five Australian households - or 5.9 million - having a Pet.
- Today 61% of Australian households have a Pet
- Dogs are the most popular Pet, with 37% of households owning a dog
- Cats are the second most popular Pet, with 31% of households owning a cat
- Why Single parents need Life Insurance too
- The problem of Becoming Uninsurable - it happens before you know it
- Happy Sydney Mardi Gras 2022!
- When to arrange Intended Parent and Surrogate Life Insurances chart
- How much life insurance cover do I need?
- Why you should buy life insurance for your Co Parent or Ex Partner
- COVID-19 and Life Insurances FAQs
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